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Session 1

10:45 Am EST to 11:35 AM ET
The Corporate Ladder: How to Climb as an Empowered Woman
Presentation by: Brittany Ladson (she/her/hers)

It’s no secret that women struggle to climb the corporate ladder and when they do, they are paid less for the same job as their male colleagues. This inequity affects women in every field in their training and beyond. This session will focus on defining this problem within multiple lenses, discussing the reasons disparity exists, how it is reinforced in the workforce, how it is complicated for the gender non-binary, and end with developing ways we can combat this issue and inspire our youth to do better.

Closing the Gender Pay Gap
Presentation by: Kirstin Pianalto (she/her/hers)

This workshop will examine the pay gap that exists between men and women, as well as women of different racial identities. Additionally, participants will engage in a journaling activity about their worth and learn salary negotiation tips and tricks.

How to be an Intersectionality Ally: A Look into How We Can Be Active in Women's Rights Everyday
Presentation by: Summer Boxley (she/her/hers) & Takeira Bridges (she/her/hers)

Identities have a huge impact on us as individuals and how others perceive us as well. During our workshop, participants will explore their identities and the role they play in their past, present, and future selves. We plan to guide our participants into a deeper thought about how their identities are different from others and how this impact can be positive or negative in a person's life according to societal norms.

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